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Самовывоз, Как можно скорее (in 15 minutes)
Pizza Menu
Served daily between 13:00-23:00
Pizza on the go
This is a section of your menu, customize it any way you want.
Special base, Italian tomato with mozzarella, oregano, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepperMVR 123.36123.36 MVR
tuna and onion (basic pasta with Italian tomato, mozzarella, tuna, onion, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepperMVR 131.00131.00 MVR
Специальное блюдо
wurstel Italian tomato, mozzarella, chicken frankfurter, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepperMVR 131.00131.00 MVR
mozzarella, fresh cream, red hot chili pepper , chicken extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepperMVR 131.00131.00 MVR
Специальное блюдо
Choose from our range of exclusive breakfast options
Нет ничего для отображения.
Authentic Italian dishes made by our experienced chef
MVR 100.00100.00 MVR
Специальное блюдо
MVR 80.0080.00 MVR
MVR 85.0085.00 MVR
MVR 85.0085.00 MVR
MVR 20.0020.00 MVR
MVR 75.0075.00 MVR
MVR 55.0055.00 MVR
MVR 65.0065.00 MVR
MVR 0.000.00 MVR
MVR 75.0075.00 MVR
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